Single Session.
RM 36
Valid for one Session entry only. Rental shoes or chalk are not included.
Off-Peak Pass
RM 24
Similar to 1-Pass but only on Weekdays (Session 1 & Session 2). Rental shoes or chalk are not included.
RM 7
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
Chalk Bucket
RM 5
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
Credit Packs.
Starter Pack
RM 65
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
RM 170
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
RM 320
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
Monthly Recurring
RM 185
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
RM 940
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
RM 1770
Id duis irure ullamco nulla officia veniam exercitation excepteur mollit velit.
The Booking Thing.